Thursday, September 6, 2012


So, last night was the first training session which turned out to be a fitness assessment.  I had to laugh at how many times I had to respond to a nutrition related question with a "Well....."  When all was said and done, I feel pretty committed to trying to work on some of my bad eating habits.  I may not be ready to ditch my diet coke addition yet, but I can try to limit my Dorito and cupcake intake for sure.  I was pumped that mayonnaise was on the Bad Choice list that my trainer gave me.  I don't like mayo...YAY!

AfterI did my strength training test, I saw my "report card."  I felt the anxiety only a middle school student feels after doing poorly on an exam when waiting to see the final grade!  I was not surprised to see the low score for upper body strength.  I have none.  I think that Katie got all of the upper body strength genes with all of the math genes.  I was surprised to see that I scored "EXCELLENT" for my lower body!  I hope that means that I don't ever have to do stairs at the gym.  One can only hope!

Needless to say, I have a lot to do.  I printed out my workout and now have a plan in place.  I am a little anxious about finding the machines and not looking like a tool wandering around the gym.  I am thinking I should get to the gym around 11pm.  I can make up the sleep tomorrow after school!  This way I can ensure a smaller amount of viewers to my sad sad nomadic rotation around the gym.  I almost laughed/cried when I saw after all the reps on the machines for strength training, it says that I should do 20 minutes of treadmill cardio "jogging."  HA!  Jogging seems to me a workout in and of itself.  Not a component to a workout!  AHH!

Wish me luck as I try to complete everything tonight.  I am anticipating that I will need most of the weekend to recover and I need to get to the gym at least 2 times before next Wednesday.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Entry 1: Extra Credit

Hello.  My name is Susie and I am a workout delinquent.  I am using this blog to chronicle my workout experience starting today, September 4, 2012.  Read if you will, make comments if you want, just be nice!  

Where to begin...It has been a long journey to this moment.  Because of the 4 weddings I am going to in 2013 (and two bridesmaid dresses I have to wiggle into), I decided to bite the bullet and re-join X-Sport gym.  My wedding last June did not make me this motivated.  I don't know why this is the case.  Bridesmaid dresses are much scarier than wedding dresses, at least to me.  My sister, Katie, is running the Chicago Marathon in October and she has motivated me to get off the couch, put aside the school work, and start moving.  I have experienced the embarrassment of closing a gym membership because I couldn't justify spending money on something I wasn't using.  Never the one to tread lightly in a new situation, I also signed up for 20 personal training sessions.  I put aside dreams of a new I Pad and look toward a new dream of not feeling like I am about to drop dead after running in our school's Walk-a-Thon this year.  Go Bulldogs!

This past weekend was a bad weekend, nutrition wise.  I ate lots of junk food and processed food while dog-sitting at my parent's house.  I swear that Dorito's bag had my name on it.  I vowed that after Labor Day, I would start fresh.  My first training session was supposed to be tonight (Tuesday evening) but it got pushed back to tomorrow.  I am about to head to the gym in what I hope will be extra credit.  I don't think my personal trainer gives extra credit but my over-achieving self wants to make a good impression. I am, waiting until 10:30, when I feel is a proper time when the gym will be less crowded, to leave to go to the gym.  What will I do when I get there?  Hopefully, not make eye contact with anyone.  Hopefully find a machine that is somewhat isolated that I know how to use.  Hopefully, not knowing recognizing anyone!  Anonymity is important to me, especially when I sweat.  

Wish me luck!